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Advisers Portal
Succession, Asset Protection & Estate Planning Advisers Association
Leave a legacy
Not-for-Profit Association
$9.2 Trillion of Australian homes are exposed
There are 18 million Australians without a will and testament
2.2 million companies with no replacement director on death

SAPEPAA Member Benefits
Membership Plans
Our Members Say
"This is a game changer in protecting a family's wealth and ensuring assets are going to the right people. At the front of their game. Their expertise is beyond compare."

Naomi Durdin
Eyre Peninsula | Accountant
"An exceptional, groundbreaking association very well positioned to give back to the community. It makes so much sense for accountants to be able to provide this service and having SAPEPAA back us and stand by us is a fantastic partnership."

Mick Jeffriess
Gold Coast | Accountant
"Touching more than $35,000 revenue from SAPEPAA and the associated training courses."

Harry Tripgate
Principal, MCG Legal
Our advice leads thought.


Does a SAPEPAA Adviser have to complete a SAPEPAA accredited course?To display the SAPEPAA Certified Adviser badge, an adviser MUST have completed an accredited course. Generally, we provide an adviser with 3 months to complete the course after completing the SAPEPAA membership registration.
How do I find out more information about SAPEPAA?The best way is to use the chat feature on the site. Alternatively, email Cris Enriquez at
What is the difference between a SAPEPAA Adviser and a SAPEPAA Certified Adviser?A SAPEPAA Certified Adviser has been formally certified by the SAPEPAA board and can proudly display the SAPEPAA Certified Adviser badge. A SAPEPAA Certified Adviser has completely all of the training requirements by an approved educator and is considered an expert in this field.
What is an accredited education provider?SAPEPAA formally accredits education providers to deliver formal training in Succession, Asset Protection and Estate Planning. To date, SAPEPAA has only endorsed LightYear Training Group as an accredited education provider. You can enroll for an upcoming LYTG course at
What is the difference between the SAPEPAA membership fee and a SAPEPAA Course Fee?The SAPEPAA membership fee covers your membership with SAPEPAA as an association. SAPEPAA is a not-for-profit organisation and relies on membership fees to enable it to continue to run. We have 3 different membership levels, each with differing inclusions and benefits.
What membership should I sign up for?If you are an adviser then the best value for money currently is our Foundation Member Plan because it includes 5 years of membership PLUS full certification as a SAPEPAA Adviser as well as loads of great perks including a dedicated page to advertise you as a SAPEPAA Adviser on our site.
How long does it take to get Accredited?It takes about 2 days to do our course.
Can anyone become a Foundational Member or do I need to be a lawyer or an accountant?Anyone is welcome to become a Foundation Member. Membership is strictly for those who are looking to play a part in advising customers though. You will be listed on the SAPEPAA site as a professional Adviser.
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